Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Profile on the Blogger of The Genetic Engineering Debate

Sometimes it is a bit hard to find a blogger that has unique edge to a topic you have researching for a while now. Well lucky me I was able to find one.

Ramsey Affifi is the blogger for The Genetic Engineering Debate and he is in the education business. He is interested in “the relationship between pure and applied science, between knowledge and technology, between reflection and action, sustainability and changeability, between science and spirituality” (Affifi, profile). All his interest are what give his blog about Genetics a very interesting edge. He is able to capture his readers not through his angle but through the information he provides.

He is not completely against genetically modifying organisms (GMOs), but he does believe that everyone should be informed of the risks and the technical information that we are not told by researchers and companies that perform such experiments. He believes that these companies and researchers should teach us about the risks and not just the benefits. His most interesting argument revolves in him believing that the activist against GMOs should not just focus on the ethical portion of the issue but should inform themselves of the scientific risks and how that can affect humanity.

Although, Affifi does not blog very often only once a month to once every few months, his posts are very detailed, researched and lengthy that the reader does not feel like they are missing out between posts. Also, in his blogroll he provides other blogs that have to do exactly what he is talking about, so if you feel like you need more information or a different perspective, he provides that for his readers. Overall he seems to be very dedicated to this topic which even shows in his blogroll and the length of time he has been blogging about it. Affifi, has been blogging since May 2007. He has had only 472 views to his page, but by the comments his readers leave on his posts we can tell that they appreciate the information. He does not receive many comments, but from the ones he does receive he gets positive feedback and suggestions on how to strengthen and back up his argument. Affifi does not respond to all the comments he receives, but the ones he does respond to, he makes sure to take his time and really address what the reader has to say. If he does not agree with what the comment stated, he backs up his argument with evidence and tells the reader he does understand where they are coming from but still holds to his opinion. His dedication and connectivity with the reader also shows in the length of his responses. Rather than having a couple sentences for a response, most of the time he responds with full on paragraphs.

Another interesting part of his blog is that Raffifi, has split his blog between 5 different subjects. The way he managed to do this is by creating 5 different tabs with categories that all have to do with his overall blog of The Genetic Engineering Debate.
The 5 tabs are:
-          Science of GMOs
-          The Education Wars
-          Taking Action
-          GMOs and Children
-          Food Security

Each tab contains posts pertaining to each category but they always tie back to his dominant subject which is the education of the public on GMOs. The separation between these categories gives an interesting insight into his voice and way of thinking. On some posts, like the ones under Science of GMOs, he takes on a more matter of fact, straight to the point, research paper voice. He provides the facts and his arguments and backs them up with research he sites at the end of each of his posts. This might sound boring, but he manages to make it engaging and relatable to the general public, that you would not mind reading it. On the other hand, certain posts like some under the category Taking Action, are a little less formal and shows his more animated side.  He still informs you, but at the same time he keeps you engaged with his rantier manner of writing.

So you can get a better idea of what I am talking about check out the two summaries I have provided from different posts Raffifi has made.

Unpredictable Genes
                In this posts rather than taking the nature vs nurture angle that many activists take, he focuses on the scientific proof. He goes into depth in the sciences behind genes and chromosomes and how they function. He also relates it back to human behavior, but still keeping the scientific evidence to back it up. It is a very interesting read. Even though, the post reads like a research paper, he makes the material interesting enough that you don’t mind reading it.

The Powerful Potential of Anti – GMO Cyber Citizens!
                This posts although still deals with research and data, it is lively and full of voice. It talks about a survey done to people through the company Smucker’s Facebook Page. His writing is less matter of fact and more story like which is different from his usual research posts. He uses analogies to compare the results of the survey to how bees function, which was very clever. Furthermore, he is still realistic and engaging even though he has taken a different approach to his writing. Definitely a fun and quick read!

Raffifi is definitely a blogger worth checking out. So if he sounds interesting or you just want to learn more about genetics this is the blog for you!
Here is the link to check his blog out:


  1. HI! Thanks for this profile! I am glad you enjoy the website. Just a quick question: where did you get the data that only 472 people had visited the page? As far as I understand, that is only the actual "profile page". The blog itself gets several thousand hits each month. In any case, good luck with your project!

    1. Hey! Sorry about that my mistake. Ill make sure to correct it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This post is really informative! I like how you give a detailed description about the person as well as the blog. It is interesting to see what the five tabs are available to readers and how they are divided up. This definitely is informative to readers that are interested in this topic and allows them to see what information is available. I also enjoyed the information you provided about how this person responds to interested parties that write on this blog. I would of liked a little more detail about the posts you chose to write about it. Although there was information on them, I would of liked greater insight. Other than that, great post!

  4. I agree with Raquel that this post is very informative. I thought you did an excellent job at describing the blogger and what one would find when they look up his blog. I almost wish there was more about the specific content though rather then how many followers and comments are made. I think you can bring up how many comments are made but then follow up by giving examples of what the comments are. Also, there were several grammatical errors but a quick fix! Good post!!
